Visit to Hope Lodge

We had a another very successful to Hope Lodge visit to serve dinner to patienst and caregivers last night.

Helping out were Alan Agree, Jerry Redington, Steve Maasn, Ed Crane, Fred and Fran Edelman,Marty and Marsha Fineberg, Syd Baron, and Shelly.

(r to l) Alan, Steve, Marty and Jerry


Again, Irv Perlstein ordered the food for the forty-odd people for dinner.

Syd sitting at a table of patients

The desserts, thank, in part ot Wendy Perlstein and Mark Nath, went over big.

Ed did his impressions of Hollywood stars in his always-popular Trivia contest.

We gave out 25 one-dollar coins for those patients and caregivers who gave the first to correctly answer the movie from which the line read was taken. 

Fred (photgrapher for the evening)

Setting up early were Fred and Fran and then the rest of the crew pitched in setting everything up for a nice dinner … and the crew pitched in for the inevitable "cleaaan-up".




While a nuber of the patients and caregivers thanked us, we hope they sense the enromous satisfaction our memebrs received from brightening the lives of those battleing cancer.

Our next visit to Hope Lodge is scheduled for September 27th.

Maybe in the future there cancer will be conquored and there will not be a need for a centers such as Hope Lodge.