50/50 Winner Makes a Wonderful Donation

The Club holds a 50/50 drawing each week, with a minimum pot of $100.  The individual with the winning ticket number then gets to draw a single card from a deck of cards. 

If he/she draws the JOKER, they are a winner of the accumulated monies in the pot!If they draw any other card, the can enjoy the satisfaction of having bought the winning ticket … and the pot grows by half of that day's ticket purchase money.  Meanwhile, the card they drew is torn up, reducing th enumber of remaining cards for the followign week.

This morning, president Jeff Revak let our speaker, State Representative Frank Farry draw the winning ticket.  Lo and behold, guess who was holding he correct number … Jeff Revak!  After many weeks with no ultimate winner, Jeff drew …

to claim a jackpot worth $277!

which he then donated to a second Club Student-of-the-Year who chooses Nursing or Pre-Med as their college course of study.